Modular Forms Resources

Author(s) Name/Description
Johan Bosman Computing polynomials attached to modular Galois representations link + poster
Ralf Butenuth Hecke Operators on Drinfeld Cusp Forms link
Craig Citro, Alex Ghitza Enumerating mod p Hecke eigensystems
Lassina Dembélé Hilbert Modular Forms in Magma
A. Ghitza, N. Ryan, N. Skoruppa Siegel modular forms in SAGE link
L.J.P. Kilford Approximations to Automorphic Forms link
David Loeffler Computing with automorphic forms link
Ken McMurdy, David Loeffler Divisors and $q$-expansions of eta products in SAGE link
M.H. Sengün A Magma program to compute the spaces of Bianchi modular forms with prime level and arbitrary weight and the Hecke action on them for Q(\sqrt{-2}) link + poster
N. Skoruppa Finite quadratic modules in SAGE link
Fredrik Strömberg Computational aspects of non-holomorphic automorphic forms on PSL(2,R) link + poster
Rebecca Torrey Cohomological mod l modular forms over Q(i) link + poster
Helena Verrill Fundamental domains and noncongruence subgroups link
John Voight Fundamental domains for cofinite Fuchsian groups link
Lynne Walling Algorithm for generating the matrices giving the action of the Hecke operators on Siegel modular forms paper
Georg Weber Fast Hecke operator on modular symbols written in C with Magma interface link + poster
Jared Weinstein Computing Local Components link
Gabor Wiese ArtinAlgebras: Magma package for computing with Artin algebras link + poster
Gabor Wiese Weight1: Magma package for computing Katz modular forms of weight one over finite fields link + poster
Gabor Wiese HeckeAlgebra: Magma package for computing Hecke algebras over finite fields link + poster
Dan Yasaki Hilbert modular forms link

Last modification: 31 August 2008.